Today is Volunteer🤩 Day

✅We would like to congratulate all Ukrainians who have made a donation❗️ at least once in their lives

✅We would like to congratulate all Ukrainians who have reposted an important post on social networks❗️ at least once

✅We would like to congratulate all Ukrainians who have donated food/things to those in need❗️ at least once

✅We want to congratulate all Ukrainians who have visited our soldiers❗️ on the front line at least once

✅We would like to congratulate all Ukrainians who took part in the charity project❗️ at least once

🗽We are all a great nation for which Volunteering has become an integral part of life🐶👧👨

Do not forget to do good deeds every day and believe in the strength of the Armed Forces of Ukraine!