Our partners

CHARITY FUND "INTERNATIONAL UNITY MOVEMENT" is an organization trusted by major partners and sponsors. We do our best to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine and provide our defenders with as much charitable assistance as possible to save their lives.

Our Foundation attracts donations and other assistance from various companies that support Ukraine and want to contribute to the victory. We understand that many businesses want to be socially responsible, which is why, if you are not indifferent, we invite you to join our Foundation and support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Transparency and honesty are among our key values that ensure that your donations are used effectively. We regularly report on the use of funds and the Foundation's achievements so that every concerned benefactor can be sure that their charitable contribution was used to purchase the necessary items and equipment for the Ukrainian army.



Entrepreneurs and companies


  • Лого Soft.ua


  • Лого Місто.юа


  • Лого Нова Пошта

    Нова Пошта

  • Лого ПП Схід

    ПП Схід

  • Лого Monobank


  • Лого Еко Нова

    Еко Нова

  • Лого ПриватБанк


Join us
help, develop, support
We thank everyone who becomes a part of our Unity Movement, because together we form a strong and conscious path of invincibility and faith!
We thank everyone who cares!
We thank everyone who believes and knows that the next stop is Victory!