Our team

Спірідович Владислав
Spiridovych Vladyslav
Responsible for reporting, logistics, timely work and networking
Спірідович Ольга
Spiridovych Olha
Head of the fundraising department
Responsible for the timely fulfillment of obligations on requests, maintains content and reporting on the Telegram channel
Кузьменко Наталія
Kuzmenko Nataliia
Public Relations Manager
Coordinates relations with citizens, develops appropriate activities and plans for the development of the Foundation and public relations
Кривошей Руслан
Kryvoshei Ryslan
Responsible for fundraising and aid reports, updating information on the site, running Tik Tok
Пархоменко Богдана
Parkhomenko Bohdana
Deputy Head of the Fundraising Department
Engaged in fundraising and procurement reporting, maintains content and reporting on Instagram
Кущ Денис
Kushch Denys
Engaged in the search and attraction of the potential of sponsors and donors, the development of strategies and funding plans, the organization of events and campaigns, as well as the analysis of the effectiveness of fundraising
Кукоба Олег
Kukoba Oleh
Responsible for fundraising and aid reports
Рикова Вікторія
Rykova Viktoriia
Responsible for fundraising and aid reports
Грищук Сергій
Grischuk Sergiy
Responsible for logistics to the front line
Рябоконь Анастасія
Riabokon Anastasiia
Responsible for fundraising and aid reports, maintains content and reporting on Facebook
Вересоцький Сергій
Veresotskyi Serhii
Responsible for fundraising and aid reports
Літвінчова Ольга
Litvinchova Olha
Responsible for fundraising and aid reports
Жарова Інна
Zharova Inna
Responsible for fundraising and aid reports
Петренко Ілля
Petrenko Illia
Responsible for fundraising and aid reports
Моісєєнко Олексій
Moiseienko Oleksii
Responsible for fundraising and aid reports