Over the weekend, it seems, everyone Ukrainian felt "déjà vu", because the way the Palestinians mocked people who were on the territory of Israel reminded us of the footage of Bucha and Irpin💔
⭕️And today, our Main Intelligence Directorate reported that Russia handed over weapons to Hamas that were stolen from Ukraine last year! !️
Terrorists have one scenario and history proves only one thing - you can’t negotiate with terrorists, they must be eliminated! 👋🏻
Today is the 593rd day of the war in Ukraine! !️
Today is the 593rd day when Ukraine defends the whole world from the bloodiest terrorist Putler! !️
Today is the 593rd day when Ukrainians are fighting for an independent state! !️
🫶🏻And we will support our military until peace comes to our native land and until that schmuck dies🤞🏻